Since the advent of this recent Covid 19 pandemic outbreak, more and more people have been working from home, and for some it maybe on a permanent basis.

There have been numerous reports of employees suffering with back and neck problems mainly caused by poor ergonomics  and workstations set up incorrectly, especially if laptops are being used whilst seated on a lounge sofa or at a kitchen table on a stool.

Does this sound familiar?

Employers do have a responsibility of care to ensure that their staff are reasonably safe in their workplace whether in their normal office environment or working from home on company business.

Some offices have allowed their employees to take their office chairs and screens home for use whilst the lockdown has been in place but has anyone actually checked that these have been installed to match the postural requirements of the individuals concerned.

Prime Practice has been providing ergonomic workstation assessments for over 20 years and this has included advising clients with setting up home offices. This has mainly applied to self-employed businesses but we are now receiving enquiries from employers to extend this valuable service for their staff in their home environment.

If this is of interest to you, whether as a employer or as an employee suffering with longer business hours working in your home, please contact us either by email at or on 07781-156118 to arrange a home visit.

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Prime Practice,
La Mouette,
Rue Des Goddards,
Castel, Guernsey.

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